Europese prijs voor ZZP-afspraak in cao

In de cao Nederlandse Podia van 2016 zijn afspraken vastgelegd over het minimum tarief van een ZZP'er. Deze afspraak ontving de Pearl Award 2018. Een mooie verdienste voor een bijzondere afspraak in een cao. LeVinck Cao en Bestuur begeleidde partijen tijdens de onderhandelingen. 

De tekst van de jury luidt:

"The Dutch cultural sector there is an increasing number of freelancers without basic social certainty, low and falling incomes and a weak negotiating position. The laws of supply and demand do not apply optimally to the cultural labor market; the market is a-typical. This creates hidden unemployment and improper competition with salaried employees. The Dutch social safety net shows a tear here. The legislator hasn’t come up with a solution in time. In 2016, the parties to our collective agreement (WNP and trade union ‘Kunstenbond’) opted for a fundamental protection of self-employed workers in our branch: Social partners have agreed minimum rates for self-employed persons in their collective labour agreement. These minimum rates are linked to the salary scales from the collective labor agreement to create a more equal playing field for this group. By creating a level playing field, a clearer consideration will be made when the choice between employing freelancers or employees is made. As a result, we hope that the choice for self-employed people will no longer be taken solely on financial grounds. This also prevents that employees end up in a poor competitive position compared to self-employed people. Our members honor the proscribed minimum rate. Luckily, many freelancers receive a much higher rate. We hope, however, that this measure will provide more awareness and will stop the race to the bottom. The expansion of negotiations in the collective labor agreement to self-employed workers is very exciting; in principle agreements about freelancers do not belong in a collective labor agreement. We have worked together united on a result with our trade union the Kunstenbond. We hope that the government will stop the harrowing situations that occur in the cultural sector by creating appropriate legislation. Until then, we as social partners will make up for that ommission."

Lees hier meer over de Pearl Awards.

Lees hier meer over de cao Nederlandse Podia 2016 en hier over de cao uit 2017